What's in the Research Agenda

What's in the Research Agenda

What's in the Research Agenda

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a concise overview of the project and the 23 high-priority research gaps.  

The executive summary is a concise overview of the project and the 23 high-priority research gaps.  

The executive summary is a concise overview of the project and the 23 high-priority research gaps.  

Main Report

Main Report

Main Report

This is the “legacy report” – which describes the research gaps identification, development, and prioritization processes. This is the most comprehensive report detailing the immense amount of work that went into crafting this agenda, as well as the unabridged versions of each high-priority gap and a list of all identified gaps. This document will be updated at the beginning of each year and re-issued as an updated edition. 

This is the “legacy report” – which describes the research gaps identification, development, and prioritization processes. This is the most comprehensive report detailing the immense amount of work that went into crafting this agenda, as well as the unabridged versions of each high-priority gap and a list of all identified gaps. This document will be updated at the beginning of each year and re-issued as an updated edition. 

This is the “legacy report” – which describes the research gaps identification, development, and prioritization processes. This is the most comprehensive report detailing the immense amount of work that went into crafting this agenda, as well as the unabridged versions of each high-priority gap and a list of all identified gaps. This document will be updated at the beginning of each year and re-issued as an updated edition. 

Appendices and References

Appendices and References

Appendices and References

High-Priority Research Gaps 

High-Priority Research Gaps 

High-Priority Research Gaps 

With over 300 research gaps identified, the project team felt it was important to narrow them down. Through an evaluation and ranking process, we identified 23 high-priority gaps for immediate consideration. These high-priority gaps are clustered into four key areas that align with the expert workgroup focus areas.

With over 300 research gaps identified, the project team felt it was important to narrow them down. Through an evaluation and ranking process, we identified 23 high-priority gaps for immediate consideration. These high-priority gaps are clustered into four key areas that align with the expert workgroup focus areas.

With over 300 research gaps identified, the project team felt it was important to narrow them down. Through an evaluation and ranking process, we identified 23 high-priority gaps for immediate consideration. These high-priority gaps are clustered into four key areas that align with the expert workgroup focus areas.

Community-Based Prevention

Community-Based Prevention

Community-Based Prevention

Knowledge gaps related to community-based supports, strengths, and services that promote family well-being so that children can be raised in safe and healthy settings - eliminating the need for intervention by Child Protective Services (CPS). We view community supports as efforts organized by the community (family, friends, neighbors, faith-based organizations, cultural programs, etc.) that aim to support children and families.

Knowledge gaps related to community-based supports, strengths, and services that promote family well-being so that children can be raised in safe and healthy settings - eliminating the need for intervention by Child Protective Services (CPS). We view community supports as efforts organized by the community (family, friends, neighbors, faith-based organizations, cultural programs, etc.) that aim to support children and families.

Knowledge gaps related to community-based supports, strengths, and services that promote family well-being so that children can be raised in safe and healthy settings - eliminating the need for intervention by Child Protective Services (CPS). We view community supports as efforts organized by the community (family, friends, neighbors, faith-based organizations, cultural programs, etc.) that aim to support children and families.

Community Mobilization Efforts

What are the core components, effectiveness, sustainability, and transferability of community mobilization efforts for increasing access and use of...

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Embed Prevention Programs and Services

What are the core components, effectiveness, sustainability, and transferability of efforts to embed...

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Inequities in Systems

What are the impacts of local and federal policies, supports, and programs that attempt to address inequities in systems...

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Increase Access to Affordable Housing

What policies, programs, services, and supports can help increase access to safe, stable, and affordable housing and how...

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Leverage Funding Sources

How can Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) and other funding sources be leveraged to support the infrastructure needed to implement and...

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Child Protective Services and Prevention of Foster Care

Child Protective Services and Prevention of Foster Care

Child Protective Services and Prevention of Foster Care

Knowledge gaps related to the experiences and impacts Child Protective Services involvement, and methods for preventing family separation and foster care placement whenever possible.

Prevent Initial and Recurrent Contact and Entry

What is the level of effectiveness among existing practice and policy...

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Understand Cultural Practices to Help Transform Child Welfare

What can we learn from cultural practices, best practice models, and...

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Evaluate Innovative and Transformative Approaches

What is the effectiveness of innovative and transformative programs and...

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Examine Risk Factors and How They Vary by Dimensions of Family Diversity

To what extent are risk factors commonly associated with CPS...

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Evaluate Helplines to Support Families

Are helplines more effective than hotlines at reducing CPS involvement, reducing...

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Evaluate the Role of Income Supports and Other Anti-Poverty Strategies

To what extent do income supports (e.g., universal basic income, antipoverty...

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Examine Partnerships between Child Welfare and Unconventional Partners

How are partnerships between child welfare agencies formed with other...

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Out-of-Home Care

Out-of-Home Care

Out-of-Home Care

Knowledge gaps related to a holistic continuum of out-of-home care when it is absolutely necessary - including foster care, kinship caregiving, group or residential care, adoptions, and post-permanency family support services.

Examine Effective Policies and Practices Contributing to Success

Which child welfare and related policies and practices contribute to the most...

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Evaluate How Engaging Lived Experts Improve Quality and Safety

Does the involvement and consultation of foster care alumni, youth who are...

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Address Effectiveness of Policies and Programs Addressing Inequities

What are the impacts of local and federal policies, supports, and programs that...

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Evaluate Effective Services for Legal Permanency

What child welfare services are effective in promoting safe, stable, and timely...

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Identify Effective Strategies for Reducing Re-Entry

What are effective strategies to reduce re-entry to care for different age groups...

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Evaluate Effective Strategies for Young Children

What are effective strategies to promote permanency outcomes for infants and...

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Examine Partnerships between Child Welfare and Unconventional Partners

How can we develop evidence-based recruitment, screening, and matching...

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Knowledge gaps persist for what makes an effective workforce. Child welfare organizations operate in turbulent and challenging organizational environments that demand a clear organizational mission, strong leadership, and a competent workforce to be effective. Effective practice requires specialized workers skills and high- quality supervision. 

Workforce Effectiveness

How can we study child welfare workers and their effectiveness, with an eye toward learning and implementing effective practices?

Rural and Tribal Community Workforce Issues

Are the supports that are available to staff in urban communities also available to...

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Worker and System Collaboration Dynamics:

How effective are the partnerships between the various entities involved in a child’s case?

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Use of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Teams

What interdisciplinary staffing strategy is most effective for each major program area within child welfare?

Grant Funding Opportunities

Grant Funding Opportunities

Grant Funding Opportunities

A routinely updated list of funding opportunities related to one or more of the 23 gaps. This is not an exhaustive list but a practical informative search consisting of research grant opportunities from multiple government and non-profit websites.

Complete Set of Sample RFPs

Complete Set of Sample RFPs

Complete Set of Sample RFPs

High Priority Gaps and Rationales

High Priority Gaps and Rationales

High Priority Gaps and Rationales

You can advocate for the need for research that is bold, inclusive of lived expertise and has a social justice lens.

You can advocate for the need for research that is bold, inclusive of lived expertise and has a social justice lens.

You can advocate for the need for research that is bold, inclusive of lived expertise and has a social justice lens.

Learn What's Next

The National Research Agenda for a 21st Century Child and Family Well-Being System

The National Research Agenda for a 21st Century Child and Family Well-Being System